
This page is for file distribution.
(right-click on the links (PC users!) to save file on your computer)

Timetable of the "Methods in Biological Sciences" seminars given by the departmental Research Officers (Word, 20 KB)

Haem protein g-factors database (Excel, 45 KB, 133 entries)

q angle database (Excel, 70 KB, 80 entries)

Yellow form for interlibrary loan (Word, 46 KB; this is only for the University of Essex Library users) How to use this form?_

Excel file for viewing two EPR spectra overlaid (Excel, 861 KB. Copy and paste spectra's data in the 'spectrum1' and 'spectrum2' spreadsheets, input field parameters in the 'field scale' spreadsheet, and view the result in the 'figure' spreadsheet. You can move spectrum 2 with respect to spectrum 1 along x and Y axes and you also can change spectrum's 2 amplitude.)